Your POPI Act to Practice Partner

Training Services

We provide training options such as:

  • Onsite training which can be tailor-made to suit your specific needs. 
  • Virtual training based on certain terms and conditions.

Some of our Client’s comments:

“Well done ITS Support, the training is really easy to follow. Love that the facts are broken into smaller portions making it more manageable and easier to understand. Love the recap slides.”

“Easy to read, logical and understandable. Comprehensive and very informative.”

Onsite Training

also available as Virtual Training

We offer the following POPI TO PRACTICE topics which are well suited for employee orientation and awareness purposes: 

Topic 1: Introduction to the POPI Act legislation
Topic 2: Personal Information (PI)
Topic 3: POPI Act Compliance Requirements
Topic 4: POPI Act Compliance Implementation
Topic 5: POPI Act Data Subject Rights
Topic 6: POPI Act to Practice
Topic 7: Where to start?
Topic 8: Implementation Approach and Plan
Topic 9: Implementation Pack and Tools

let us know how we can help

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