Your POPI Act to Practice Partner

who we are

Here at ITS Support we are passionate about Information Management and Governance.  We offer over 25 years of experience delivering high standard Information Management solutions and systems.

We are so excited that we can apply our expertise to guide business owners on their journey to comply to the conditions of the Protection of Personal Information (POPI) Act.

Our focus is to unlock the POPI Act in a meaningful and practical manner with our variety of flexible consulting services and products. These services and products will add value to any type or size of organisation, varying from Corporate businesses to Small and Medium enterprises (SME’s).

At the heart of compliance to the POPI Act is the implementation of relevant technical and organisational measures to ensure the lawful processing of Personal Information (PI).

These measures are the foundation of information management best practices and customers who need to comply to the POPI Act will find benefit from our extensive experience in this field.

Our goal is to enable any size or type of business to unlock the POPI Act in a meaningful manner, and to simplify the implementation of the conditions for compliance.

let us know how we can help

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